Legal Notice


Website : (hereinafter called « website  »)
Owner : Agence Tyméo + Vinovae (hereinafter called « owner »)
Status : Entreprise Individuelle + SAS (hereinafter called « status »)
Address : (hereinafter called « address »)
Hopwine SAS
8, rue de la Poissonnerie
71100 Chalon-sur-Saône
Creator : Agence Tyméo (hereinafter called « creator »)
Director of Publication : Mathieu Lojkiewiez – (hereinafter called « director of publication »)
Webmaster : Agence Tymé (hereinafter called « webmaster »)
Hosting Company : OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France (hereinafter called« hosting company »)

Legal information

  1. Website presentation.

Under article 6 of Law number 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, regarding confidence in the digital economy, and for users’ information here is the identity of different parties involved in creating and monitoring the « website » :

Owner : owner  – status – address
Creation : creator
Director of Publication: director of publicationThe Director of Publication is a physical person or a company.
Webmaster: webmaster
Hosting Company: hosting company

  1. General terms of use for the website ans services provided

By using the « website » you agree entirely to the general terms of use described hereafter. These terms of use may be modified or extended at any time, therefore we invite the users of the website to consult them regularly.

This website is normally accessible at all times to our users. However « owner » may decide to interrupt the service for technical maintenance. At such time « owner » shall endeavour to previously share the dates and times of maintenance with users.

« director of publication » regularly updates the « website ». In the same way, the legal notices may be modified at any time: the user must, however, abide by them and is invited to refer to them and read them as often as possible.

  1. Description of supplied services.

The « website » aims to supply information regarding all of the company’s activities.

Owner endeavours to supply the « website » with as precise as possible information. However, the company will not be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies or update deficiencies, either as a result of their actions or those of third parties who supply this information.

All information provided on the « website » is given for reference only and may evolve. Furthermore, information on the « website » is not exhaustive. Given information is subject to having changed since it was put on line.

  1. Contractual limitations on technical data.

The website uses JavaScript technology.

The « website » shall not be held responsible for any material damage caused due to the use of the website. Furthermore, the website user agrees to use recent equipment free of any viruses and with a last-generation updated browser.

  1. Intellectual property and piracy.

« Owner » owns intellectual property rights or has the right to use all of the accessible elements on the website, especially the texts, images, graphic design, logos, icons, sounds and software.

It is forbidden to reproduce, represent, modify, publish or adapt all or part of the websites elements using whatever means or process except with prior written consent from: « owner ».

Any unauthorised use of the site or any elements thereof shall be considered as piracy and prosecuted in compliance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of French Intellectual Property Code.

  1. Limitation of liability.

« Owner » may not be held responsible for direct and indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment as they browse the « website », which is a result of either not complying to the recommended specifications in point 4, or an incompatibility problem arising.

« Owner » may also not be held responsible for any indirect damage (such as, losing a sale or losing an opportunity for example) ensuing from the use of the « website ».

Interactive spaces (where one cans ask questions in the contact space) are made available to users. « Owner » reserves the right to delete, without any previous notice, any content added to this space which could conflict with legislation applied in France, particularly with the data protection provisions. When applicable, « Owner » also reserves the right to involve the user’s civil and/or criminal liability in particular in case of any message with racist, abusive, slanderous or pornographic content regardless of the form (text, or photos, etc.).

  1. Processing personal data.

In France personal data is protected by law number 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law number 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the Criminal Code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.

During the use of the « website », the URL of the links through which the user accessed the « website », the user’s Internet provider, and the user’s (IP) Internet protocol address may be collected.

In any case, « owner » only collects users’ personal data for the needs of specific services provided on the « website ». The user supplies this information knowingly, in particular when they fill it in themselves. At this time the user of the « website » obligation or not to give this information is specified.

In compliance with the article 38 and following articles of the law number 78-17 of January 6, 1978, regarding information technology, data files and liberties, all users have the right to access, rectify and object to the use of their personal data, by sending a signed written request, with a copy of their ID signed by them indicating the address to which a response should be sent.

None of the « website » users’ personal data is published, exchanged, transferred, conveyed or sold to any third parties in any form. The only possibility for transferring said information is to a possible company buyer, who will in turn comply with the same conservation and modification obligations regarding the « website » users’ personal data.

The « website » is not declared with the CNIL as it does not record personal data.

Databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998, transposing directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996, regarding the legal protection of databases.

  1. Hyperlinks and cookies

The « website » contains a certain number of hyperlinks to other sites set up with « owner’s » permission. However, « owner » cannot verify the content of the sites these links link to and therefore shall not take any responsibility for your visits.

By browsing the site cookies may be installed on the users’ hard drives. A cookie is a small-sized file, which does not identify the user, but uses information regarding the computer’s browsing experience on a website. Data is processed to make future browsing sessions on the « website » easier and also in an aim to measure visit frequency.

Refusing to use cookies may make accessing some services impossible. Users can however set their computer as follows to refuse the use of cookies:

Using Internet Explorer: tools tab (cogwheel pictogram in the right-hand corner/Internet options. Click on privacy and choose block all cookies. Click on OK.

Using Firefox: at the top of your browser window, click on the Firefox button, then go to the options tab. Select the Privacy & Security settings
Set to: use custom settings for history Lastly, uncheck the box to deactivate cookies.

Using Safari: Click on the menu pictogram on the top right hand of your browser (the cogwheel symbol). Select Settings. Click on display advanced settings. In the ‘Privacy’ section, click on Manage website data. In the ‘Cookie’ section you can block the cookies.

Using Chrome: Click on the menu pictogram on the top right hand of your browser (the three-line symbol). Select Settings. Click on Advanced. In the ‘Privacy and security’ section, click on content settings. In the ‘Cookie’ section you can block the cookies by turning Allow sites to save and read cookie data on or off.

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

Any dispute regarding the use of the « website » is subject to French law. The relevant courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

  1. The main laws involved.

Law number 78-17 of January 6, 1978 in particular modified by law number 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, regarding information technology, data files and individual liberties.

Law number 2004-75 of June 21, 2004, regarding confidence in the digital economy.

  1. Terms used.

User: Web user, connecting to and using the above mentioned website.

Personal data: ‘Information which allows to identify people it refers to in any form directly or indirectly’ (article of French law number-78-17 of January 6, 1978).

Privacy policy


Contact address :

Postal address :

Hopwine (hereinafter called ‘the company’)
15, rue Georges Musy
71100 Saint-Rémy

Tél. : +33 (0)3 85 45 94 15
Mob. : +33 (0)7 84 94 14 41

Date of last modification : April 2020
Data retention period : 3 years

The website address is :

Generic information

This page informs our website users about how personal data is collected and used. We endeavour to ensure that our company and the deployed technical solutions abide by data protection rights referring to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The retention period of your personal information collected is defined in the preamble.

Please note that the current privacy policy may be modified or extended at any time, in particular to comply with any legal, regulatory, case law or technological evolutions. In such cases, we will clearly state the date at which the present policy was updated on the top of it. These modifications shall apply to the user as soon as they are placed on line. We recommend that you check these regulations from time to time to keep yourself informed of our procedures and rules regarding your personal data.

Personal data

Submitted data should not include sensitive data, such as government credentials (such as social security numbers, driver’s licence numbers, or tax identification numbers), complete credit card numbers or personal bank account numbers, medical files or information regarding treatment requests associated with people.


By filling in our website’s contact form, you agree and accept that the company can record, treat, stock and/or use the personal data submitted (limited to the information useful for the purpose of processing). By giving us your consent, you also keep the right to rectification, the right to oblivion and/or the right to erasure of your personal data. (Contact address mentioned above in the preamble)

Purpose of processing

Our main aim as we collect your personal data on this website is to be able to contact you in a personalised manner. For this purpose, you agree that we can use your personal data to:
– bring you our services in our commercial relationship
– draw up commercial offers
– solve any possible problems in order to improve the use of our website and our services
– personalise, evaluate and improve our service, content and documentation
– analyse your use of our services in terms of volume and history
– inform you of our services and those of our partners
– regularly check your data guaranteeing the relevance of our actions
– abide by our legal and regulatory obligations

Processing personal data

The company agrees to not renting, selling or transferring the personal data you supply through the contact forms on this website. Your personal data recorded on the website is destined for the company’s private use.

Personal data protection rights

You have the below mentioned rights regarding your personal data, in order exercise these rights please write to us at the address: (contact address mentioned above in the preamble)

Right of access to and communication of data

You may access your personal data.
However, for security and privacy reasons in the company, as we process your personal data, we inform you that your request will be processed upon proof of your identity, in particular by scanning your valid ID (if you make your request through our dedicated electronic form); or a signed photocopy of your valid ID (if you make your request in writing).
We inform you that we have the right, when applicable, to refuse clearly abusive (either given their number, or their repetitious or systematic nature) requests.
To help you in this procedure, especially if you want to use your right to access through the following address: (contact address mentioned in the preamble), you will find a model of a letter written by the French National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL) by clicking on the link below. We also request that you prove your identity with two approved pieces of ID.

Right to rectification of your data

Under this right, the law empowers you to request that any inexact, incorrect, incomplete or obsolete data be updated, locked or even deleted.
You can equally define general and specific directives relating to your personal data after your death. When applicable, a deceased person’s heirs may demand that their relatives’ death be taken into account and/or proceed with any necessary updates.
To help you with this procedure, in particular if you wish to exercise, on your behalf or on behalf of a deceased relative of yours, your right to rectification, through a written request sent to the address mentioned in point 1, you will find a model of a letter written by the French National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL). We also request that you prove your identity with two approved pieces of ID.

Right of objection

It is only possible to exercise this right in one of the following situations:
1. When exercising this right is founded on legitimate motives; or
2. When exercising this right aims to hinder the use of the recorded data for trade promotion purposes.
To help you with this procedure, in particular if you wish to exercise, on your behalf or on behalf of a deceased relative of yours, your right of objection, through a written request sent to the above-mentioned address, you will find a model of a letter written by the French National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL). We also request that you prove your identity with two approved pieces of ID.

Response times

The company commits to responding to your access, rectification, objection or any other request for additional information within a reasonable time which should not be longer than one month after receiving your request.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GRDP) and the French Data Protection Act of 1978, amended by the law of June 20, 2018, you have right of access and rights to rectification, to restrict processing, to data portability, to object and to erasure your personal data. You can exercise yours rights by contacting us at the contact details mentionned below:


Use of cookies

The company uses cookies and tracking in general to improve and personalise the site and/or measure its audience. Cookies are files which are recorded on your hard disk as you browse the Internet and in particular our site. Cookies do not record personal data without your knowledge but record browsing information on the site which can be directly read by the company during your future visits and searches on the website.
We inform users that they may deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the correct settings in their browser. However should you deactivate them some features of the website may not work. We inform users that they may object to ‘cookie’ recording by configuring their browser.
You will find a link below to help accessing your browser menu to do this, showing you how to change your cookie preferences:
Chrome :
Firefox :
Microsoft Edge :
Opera :
Safari :
For more information on cookie management tools please visit the CNIL’s website :

First-party cookies necessary for the website to function

These cookies optimise the use of the website. You can object to using them and delete them by using your browser settings. However you will have a less effective user experience.

Third-party cookies

Our site uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service supplied by Google Inc. (hereinafter called ‘Google’). Google Analytics uses cookies to help the company to analyse the way users use our website. Data generated by cookies relates to the use users make of the website (including their IP address) will be sent to and stored on servers by Google in the United States. Google will use this information in order to assess users’ use of the website, compile reports on the website’s activity for the company and supply other services relative the site’s activity and the use of the Internet.

Google may communicate this data to third parties if legally obliged to or when said third parties process this data for Google, including in particular the company, publisher of this site. Google shall not connect the user’s IP address with any other Google data. By using this site, the user expressly consents to the processing of personal data by Google in the following conditions and for the following purposes. Information shall be stored on the computer’s hard drive for two weeks.

Third-party cookies intending to improve the website’s interactivity.

The website uses some services supplied by third-party websites. These features use third-party cookies, directly installed by these services. During your first visit to the company’s website, a banner will inform you of the presence of cookies and ask you to indicate your preference. They will only be installed if you accept or if you continue to browse the website by visiting a second page of the company’s website. At any time you may seek additional information and change cookie settings to accepting or refusing (see below).

Intellectual property

No licence regarding intellectual property rights other than the right to consult the website is granted to anybody. It is forbidden to reproduce, illustration or text content for any other use than personal and private information. Any other reproduction or use of copies made is strictly forbidden.

Term of use

We highly recommend that you use the latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers (free software) to enjoy all of the website’s features.

Limitation of liability

The company endeavours to supply correct information on this website. The company shall under no circumstances be held responsible for any occasional or inadvertent errors which may appear on their websites. The company declines all responsibility regarding the information available on their websites.
The company cannot guarantee that the server on which the websites are stored is free of viruses. They cannot guarantee that no technical problems which could damage users’ computer components or data stored therein will arise. Neither the company or their suppliers may be held responsible in any case for any kind of damage occurring during connection to the websites.

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